Terms & Conditions

“Owner”: RentZone Ltd
“Hirer”: The person(s) or company who contracts to hire a RentZone cabin.
“Cabin”:  A RentZone Portable Cabin subject of this contract
If a provision of this Agreement is held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, in whole or in part, the parties intend that the offending provision shall be severed and the legality, validity and enforceability of the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected.
If the Hirer is not an individual, the person who signs this document on behalf of the Hirer warrants that he / she has authority to bind the Hirer and will in any event be personally liable for the performance and the obligations of the Hirer.

The Conditions of hire set out herewith shall apply to all contracts for the hire of a cabin between the Owner and the person hiring a cabin (Hirer) and shall not be deemed or construed to be modified, amended, waived in the whole part except by written agreement with parties involved.


  • The Hirer acknowledges that the placement of the Cabin on a property for some activities may require consent by the local authority (Council).  The Hirer acknowledges responsibility to obtain a consent as required and to be responsible for all costs involved.
  • The Hirer acknowledges that if they do not own the property where the cabin is to be placed, permission from the Landlord / Owner has been obtained.
  • The Hirer acknowledges the cabin is in a clean, tidy and undamaged condition and supplied with one access door key, curtain rails and power lead.
  • The Hirer shall not make any structural damage or decorative changes.  This includes not using any staples, nails, screws on any interior or exterior walls and doors.  The cost for any repairs to make good will be made by the Hirer.
  • The Hirer is responsible for keeping the cabin in a reasonably clean and tidy condition at all times and ensuring that it is left securely locked when not in use.
  • The Hirer acknowledges responsibility for replacing any cracked or broken glass, repairing door handles, window or door locks and catches, replacing inoperable light bulbs, and ensuring the smoke alarms are in working condition.  At the end of the hire period, it is the Hirers responsibility to return the key, power lead and plugs and the curtain rails.  The cost for replacement or repairs to make good will be made by the Hirer.
  • The Cabin shall not be used as an animal shelter, nor shall it be used for the storage of explosives or foodstuffs.
  • Naked heat cannot be used in the Cabins.  This prohibits the use of electric bar heaters, gas heaters and other similar type.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the Cabin.  The Hirer shall be liable for any damage caused by smoking in the Cabin.
  • The Hirer agrees not to use the cabin for any unlawful purpose, including the manufacture, supply, distribution or use of illicit drugs
  • The Hirer agrees not to install any television aerial or antenna – including SKY TV Aerials – on any part of the interior or exterior of the building without prior permission from the Owner.
  • For Cabins with a macerator pump included, the Hirer shall ensure that nothing other than toilet paper is put in the toilet.  This means do not flush wipes (including flushable wipes), tampons, sanitary pads, needles, or any solid objects.  They may block the pump for the toilet and any costs incurred through foreign objects in the toilet / pump will be the responsibility of (and charged to) the Hirer.
  • The Hirer shall immediately notify the Owner of any damage caused to the cabin.

The initial invoice will include security bond, delivery costs, collection costs in advance, any plumbing charges if applicable, any RentZone staff costs if applicable and 1 x week rent in advance. Payment is to be made prior to delivery
Once delivery is made, weekly, or fortnightly, or monthly invoices (to be agreed upon) will be set up starting 1 week from delivery date.
Rent payments must always be kept in advance, payment is due on date of invoice unless otherwise authorised by the Owner. 
We will look to refund the security bond at the end of the rental term once the cabin has been collected and inspected for any damages.

Payment method
Preferred method of payment is by direct debit and a Direct Debit form is to be completed and returned to Rent Zone with your signed rental agreement prior to delivery. We will however accept automatic payments set up with your bank to the account number detailed on the front page of this agreement. If you are a WINZ client, please set up a redirection of benefit.

The Hirer shall indemnify and continue to indemnify the Owner in respect of any claim action or damage, expense or cost (including the solicitors / client costs) incurred or threatened as the result of the Owner exercising the powers of this agreement or otherwise acting to recover the cabin or monies payable by the Hirer pursuant to this contract.

Payment of Default Interest
Without prejudice to RentZone other remedies hereunder or at law or otherwise, the Hirer will pay default interest of 7% on a day-to-day basis until all money has been paid in full.

Limitation of Liability
Any items removed from the cabin at the time the cabin is collected when the Hirer is not present, shall be placed nearby the site where the cabin was situated.  The Hirer acknowledges that in in no circumstances shall the Owner be liable for theft or damage, loss or any expense whatsoever arising (whether in a contract or in tort – including the resulting in negligence of the Owner or arising by operation of law).

The Hirer is responsible for insuring the contents of the Cabin.  The Hirer is responsible for insuring themselves for any damage they cause to the Cabin including total destruction of the Cabin.
The Owner will obtain any insurance it requires for the Cabin during the Term but will not insure any contents.

Minimum Hire Period
Unless stated in the agreement, the minimum hire period is six (6) months.  Higher fees may apply for shorter term periods.
If the Hirer terminates this contract before this agreed period, the Hirer shall pay an early termination fee calculated as one third of the hire period for the period remaining, or 1 x weeks rent, whichever is the greater.

Notice of Termination
The Hirer is to give the Owner fourteen (14) days’ notice of intention to terminate this contract.

Hire Rate Adjustment
The Owner shall have the right to adjust the hire rate and delivery / collection fee and any other surcharges by giving the Hirer 28 days written notice of intention.  Any price increases cannot occur in the first six (6) months of hire period.

Owners Right to Cancel
If the Owner believes the cabin is at risk of the Hirer is unable or unwilling to pay for the hire charge, the Owner may take whatever action the Owner considers necessary to retake possession of the cabin.  Accordingly, the Hirer grants the Owner irrevocable right and authority to enter at any time the property or place where the cabin is situated or thought to be situated, to remove the cabin from the property.  Any outstanding cost or rental arrears are subject to lodgement with a Debt Collection Agency.
Prior to the removal of the cabin, the Owner will give notice to the Hirer of the Owner’s intention.
The notice will comprise of an SMS text message, letter, or email to the Hirer at the contact details stated on the contract.  This will be posted / sent, not less than seven (7) days prior to the removal of the cabin.

Delivery and Removal
The Hirer shall pay the Owner a fee for the delivery, of the Cabin as well as the collection fee in advance (included on the initial invoice) prior to the day of delivery.
The Hirer indemnifies the Owner against any cost, claim, damage or expense incurred, or action against the Owner directly or indirectly arising from the Owner delivering or removing the Cabin.
If the Owner advises of any price increase, the Hirer may terminate the contract subject to the clauses Minimum Hire Period and Notice of Termination.  No costs other than the agreed hire fee will be payable.

Titoki Cabin + Deck_Exterior
Totara Cabin_Exterior
Tawa Cabin_Exterior